I have been working with the Maryland State Arts Council through the Artist in Education Program for about ten years now. This is a photo of a weaving project I did with Thunder Hill Elementary in Columbia Maryland. If you are an artist, this program is well worth looking into. You do 20 day residencies with schools throughout Maryland. The best part is the amount of respect the AiE staff shows to their Artists. Built into the grant is paying for your mileage, material/supply purcahasing, and per diem if you work far from home.
The annual confrence is on Thursday. During the confrence, school representatives visit artists they might like to work with. It is great because it only takes half a day and you get to meet some really incredible people.
I offer three residencies through Aie; Weaving, Basketry, and Felting. Working with schools is rewarding for all of the obvious reasons, but, an unintended benefit is that it often informs my studio work.
The Conference will be held at the Chesapeake Arts Center, 194 Hammonds Lane, Brooklyn Park, MD 21225 from 10:00-2:00 on March 22nd. For more information aboout the program you can contact Angela Lohr at lohr@msac.org
1 comment:
Hi, I actually found your work on Flickr and then came over to your blog. I had to tell you that I absolutely love your work. It's beautiful and clever and I'm really glad I got a chance to be inspired by it.
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