Friday, September 11, 2015

Digest Installation in "Wax Stories"October 2~November 14

I am very happy to announce that my Digest Installation of the Villi series has been accepted in the "Wax Stories" exhibit at the Niza Knoll Gallery in Denver, Colorado.  The show runs October 2~November 14 with an Artists Reception Saturday, October 10, from 5:00 ~ 8:00 pm.  

Here is my "Wax Story" about these pieces:

"The concept of these wax pieces is about Digestion, in its many forms.  Focusing on the process of taking what your body needs and disposing of the unwanted or unnecessary nutrients, I hope to explore the idea of digesting in the mind and body.  After completing my Masters degree at the Maryland Institute College of Art, I found myself unpacking the things I learned during the course of my studies and deciding what aspects of the program were helpful and what parts were not helpful.  I was, in fact, digesting the experience.  I took all of the textbooks from the classes, tore out the pages, sewed and stapled them together into these forms, resembling the villi that are found in human intestines that help you digest food.  These sculptures, 100 in all, are the result of that exploration."

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