Here are some photos from a show I have a piece in called "Art From Detritus". The curator sent me these photos. I wish I could see them in person, but I am busy busy here with end of school, wrapping up the residency at brockbridge and the Sitedc project. Pictures are good, though. Here is the press release for the show, in case YOU can get to NYC this month.
The Synagogue for the Arts 49 White St (3 blocks below Canal betw. Broadway & Church)
At the forefront of aesthetic ecology, the 17th Art from Detritus: Recycling with Imagination group show is an exhibit of art that speaks to the ongoing problem of waste and the destruction it causes to our environment.
More than 40 emerging, established and unknown artists have come together to show their environmental concerns creatively. They have transformed objects formerly considered ugly and worthless into objects of beauty with economic and cultural value, aka Art with a capital A.
This 4th presentation of Art from Detritus at the Gallery Space serves as a creative reminder that trash can be recycled, and also reused, to create beautiful and unique objects of art - and continues the dialogue between art and the lives of ordinary people.
Curated by Vernita Nemec
To obtain further information from curator Vernita Nemec: call 212.925.4419 or email ncognita@earthfire.org. To see past Detritus shows and artists' work, please go to this website: www.ncognita.com.
May 17 - June 24, 2007
Opening reception: Thursday May 17, 6-8 PM
The Gallery Space will be open for WOW, Walk on White Street - arts fair- June 9th from 1-6 PM.
Gallery Hours
Regular Hours
1 P.M. to 5 P.M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
1 P.M. to 7 P.M Tuesdays
By appointment (212-966-7141)
Special evening hours during the Tribeca Gallery Association's Second Wednesdays
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